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Scheduling Your First Session

At Positive Mind Counseling, we understand that contacting, scheduling, and enrolling in therapy can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if this is your first time seeking therapy. Here is a step by step guide to walk you through scheduling, what the initial process will look like, and how you can prepare for your first session. 

Initial Inquiry

Contact us at to express your interest in scheduling a therapy session. You can provide a brief overview of your needs and any specific concerns or goals you'd like to address during our time working together. This will help determine if I am the right fit for your needs or if a referral is more appropriate. 


Please Note:


  • All therapy sessions are virtual by phone or video.

  • Positive Mind Counseling does not prescribe medication. We can recommend prescribers and local psychiatrists and are happy to work collaboratively with whomever you see for that purpose.

  • Prospective clients must be New Jersey residents, currently located in New Jersey, or able to join their session from New Jersey to receive services due to state legislation and board regulations.



Schedule an Appointment

An initial consultation or first session can be scheduled through our virtual calendar. Available days and times are visible for selection at the following link, Of course, if you prefer to schedule through email, that is not a problem! We understand that everyone has different schedules and commitments, so I will do my best to accommodate your availability.


Once your inquiry is received, I will respond to you at my earliest convenience, either via phone or email to acknowledge your request and gather any additional information necessary. If you schedule online, you will receive an email notification that your selected appointment time is approved.


Client Portal

Prior to your first session, you will receive an email granting access to the Client Portal. Through the portal, you will electronically receive intake forms and practice documents. These forms will gather essential information about you and your background, helping me gain a better understanding of your needs. All documents such Practice Policies, Notice of Privacy Practices, and Informed Consent for Psychotherapy must be reviewed and signed prior to our session. Following our first session, a Good Faith Estimate will also be provided. 


Confirmation and Reminders

Once your appointment is scheduled, we will send you a confirmation email or message with all the relevant details, including the date and time. A unique link to join the session will be sent to your email about 10-15mins prior to your appointment time. All virtual appointments are through SimplePractice and can be accessed online or by the SimplePractice App (Telehealth by SimplePractice).


Prepare for Your Session

Take some time before your session to reflect on your goals, concerns, and any questions you may have. It can be helpful to jot down notes or thoughts you'd like to discuss!

Afternoon Light

Contact Me

For any questions you have, you can reach me here:

Chelsea Totaro, LCSW, MSW CSSW




Princeton Forrestal Village

116 Village Blvd, Suite 200 

Princeton, New Jersey, 08540


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